The Smack Dabs

A Swing blues revival

Join us for a delightful romp into the 1930s, wander into juke joints and marvel at the rich musical tapestry of Swing Blues, featuring artists like Tampa Red and Harlem Hamfats.  

We celebrate the bawdy, joyous, inclusive character of this music, honor those who made it great, and carry the tradition forward into the 21st century as a powerful launchpad for musical expression.

Early Reviews

joyous” “rowdy yet disciplined” “jubilant sound of surprise” “danceable jazz”

Daniel Gewertz, The ArtsFuse

Wow, this is a fabulous recording - the perfection and polishing, the great happy feeling, congratulations.”

Peter Donovan, "Dancing News and Fun"

Musician Credits

  • Mark Berney: cornet
  • Kit Buckley: clarinet, saxophone
  • Mark Earley: vocals, guitar, kazoo
  • Peter Fanelli: trombone (1, 5, 6, 10)
  • Gray Gafarov: violin (7, 9)
  • Jim Gray: bass
  • Jon Kraus: washboard (1-3, 5, 6, 8, 9) 
  • Anne Linders: vocals, trumpet (6)
  • Rob Rudin: train whistle (1), washboard (10)
  • Richard Saunders: piano (1-3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10)
  • David Sparr: piano (4, 7, 10)

Production Credits

  • Mark Berney: arranger (1, 2, 5, 9)
  • Kit Buckley: arranger (1)
  • Joel Edinberg: engineer
  • Jim Gray: producer, arranger
  • Q Division: tracking studio

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